Taking Better Profile Pictures

If you have a website or use social media, why not take a step back and try and judge what your online profile picture says about you?

Client Requests

Getting asked for a style you really don’t want to do? Saying yes can help you build your reputation and your business!


Should you run a business from home or pay more and rent premises. Learn from people who’ve changed location.


Some of our top groomers reveal their tips to help you make more money! Learn from other people’s experiences.


A few pointers on comparing the options. Which is the better option – renting premises or creating a studio at home?


Sarah would love to put her prices up but has always been reluctant to do it. What would you advise her to do?


How could you change your business to increase profits and have happier customers? Let’s see what other industries do.

New Clients

Want to win new clients ?Then think like one! Taking a potential client’s view of your business can be very revealing.

New Clients

We know if a business is recommended, we’re more likely to use it. So how can we get you recommended?