
What you “like” just isn’t important

Logos aren’t about personal preferences – they are a business asset. They’re expensive to create and use and picking the right one is vital – so how do you do it? Ask yourself:

Will it impress my customers?

Don’t get caught up in what you like or don’t like – choosing the right logo is about picking something that will impress your clients and potential new customers. The key here is to understand who your clients are: Dog and cat owners? Passing trade? Referals/recommendations? City slickers or country folk?

You might find it helpful to think of the whole exercise as picking out a home decoration product for someone you’ve never met! Imagine being asked to buy 50 rolls of wallpaper for your clients – you wouldn’t necessarilly pick out a design you’d use in your house, you’d be trying to pick something you felt they would all like. It’s the same with a logo.

Is it readable?

It may sound obvious – but do make sure that at a reasonable size you actually read the name? Funky typefaces might look cool – but if they’re not readable, they’re not worth using!

Will it work in the most important situations?

If you’re a mobile groomer the acid test of a good logo is how well it works on your van. For a salon, maybe it’s on your awning. A logo that looks great on paper might not work in practise so make sure you get a clear idea of how it will appear in position.

Make sure you are clear on exactly where your logo needs to work hardest for you.

Does it convey the right image?

Fun, approachable, elite, professional, funky, expensive, a team of ladies – you might be all of these things but logos can’t be! Pick out the most important traits of your business – your logo should reflect these.

Try and write a list – in order of importance – of the business traits you want to convey.

Does it make it clear what I do as well as who I am?

A good logo will say who you are and may hint at what you do, but think about whether you’ll need a matching strapline to make sure everyone knows what you do.

Remember saying what you do doesn’t need to be clever – being clear and obvious is perfectly OK. If you run a small salon in a village a display board near your entrance is probably a great idea. But your logo and messaging must make it clear you’re a groomer not a hairdresser!

Lastly – be careful not to do too much research

It might sound strange but asking for too many opinions on a logo can actually be unhelpful – you simply end up with a bunch of conflicting views. So be careful who you show any potential logos to – and be equally careful what you ask!

If you ask someone “Do you like this logo?” you’ll get a personal opinion. But if you ask “Do you think my customers will like this logo?” you might well get a different answer.

At the end of the day – there is no right and wrong. The important thing is to try and make a business decision and not a personal choice and be brave enough to follow your own convictions – and don’t be too swayed by everyone elses’ opinion.

If you have any experiences or extra tips you’d like to share, then please get in touch – we’re always keen to expand on articles.