We believe joining Groomers Gallery delivers real benefits for experienced and novice groomers alike. It’s not run for profit but by professionals who care about our industry and want to see it grow and flourish.
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Masterclasses from Top UK Professionals
Step by step styling tutorials, full HD videos of key grooms being done by the UK’s top groomers, tool, technique and animal health articles. We’re building a growing resource library that can be used by students, novices and experienced groomers alike.
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Expert Business Advice
We challenge experts in marketing and business to come up with practical tips that groomers can use to grow their businesses and make them more profitable.
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Photos of current salon and student work
A chance for you to show off your work and look at how your fellow groomers are styling dogs for their customers. Again, we want this to be a resource that grows and hope to build a comprehensive library of real life, UK breed styles.
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Industry news, expert opinions and discussion of vital issues
We focus on real issues that effect our industry – real news for the people who are genuinely concerned about UK grooming.
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Competition news and photos from the big events
We want to support the largest UK events and encourage more new groomers to come along, decide whether competitions are something they’d like to do and encourage first time entrants.
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Member Offers
Whenever we can we’ll feature exclusive member offers on top brand grooming tool and supplies as well as super stylish Groomers Gallery merchandise!
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How much does membership cost and how do I pay?
We charge £12 for annual membership and this money is being used to help fund the project. Importantly we are not a profit-making concern. We don’t have full time office staff, so we use a PayPal subscription service to manage our memberships – which are automatically renewed every year. Of course, you are free to cancel your subscription at any time.
If you have any queries about membership please use the contact us form to send us a message.
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